" Live a good life meet slowly."
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- 2024/08/16 Incident Investigation handbook (Linux)
- 2023/11/13 Ransom Attack Analysis on ICBCFS
- 2023/06/15 Pentesting Cloud Methodology
- 2023/05/19 HTB-Escape-Writeup
- 2023/05/16 HTB-MonitorsTwo-Writeup
- 2023/04/24 PWK OSCP Preparation Roadmap
- 2023/04/19 Linux Privilege Escalation
- 2023/04/19 Useful Linux Commands
- 2023/04/17 HTB-Busqueda-Writeup
- 2023/03/30 HTB-Precious-Writeup
- 2023/02/03 Sec Coding - PHP
- 2023/01/15 Sec Coding - Python